I am Qifan Han, a Ph.D. candidate in Economics at Boston University.
My research work is in the areas of quantitative marketing, applied econometrics and applied microeconomics, with a focus on digital markets, such as video games and livestreams. I use machine learning and deep learning techniques in video, text analysis and computer vision to explore the effectiveness and consequences of platform self-regulatory policies, focusing on the trade-offs between balancing platform’s economic interests, content production and consumer protection. Additionally, I develop econometric tools to address identification and estimation challenges, including innovative sensitivity analysis to address potential misclassified treatment assignments in causal inference, and partial identification methods to relax homogeneity assumptions in structural models. This stream of work helps enhance the robustness of empirical findings in both marketing and economics research and reduce false implications due to misidentification or unrealistic assumptions.
I hold an M.Sc. in Econometrics and Mathematical Economics from the London School of Economics (LSE), an M.A. in Quantitative Methods in Social Sciences from Columbia University, and an LLB in International Politics from Fudan University.